Bollywood is the biggest movie producing industry in the world. It releases movies catering to different types of audiences. Some of the movies are based on biographies, some on social issues while most of them are a lovey-dovey Hollywood remakes. Such Bollywood produced movies could be catergorized as A,B,C and D. Each of the classes fulfills the requirement of a certain section of people in the society.
I am not fanatic about movies. However, there was a lot of hue-and-cry about one movies: Rang De Basanti- A generation awakens. It was recently released and there was a lot of hue and cry about it. The movie was a full 2:45 minutes flick where the story revolved around a bunch of friends.
A series of scenes where everything as just a piece of joke. The plot unfolds how a small incident changed the lives of all the characters. The characters were so nicely portrayed that it felt as if they were someone from my own group, some guy I know in the college or the boy next door. I was truly spell-bound. By the time, I came out of the hall, I was wondering what have I done for the country or even the society.
And I realised all this time what I did was I complained and pointed out the mistakes of others. I should have made an effort to correct myself, so in any case I don't fall in that category. Have I been a fool finding myself in the characters of the movie or is it really the story happening in our own society?
It's not just a question of a movie or a feature or a big speech by a big leader. It's the question every person should ask himself about his contribution to the society. The country has gone to the dogs. The question is -- IS it the people or the nation itself that is to be blamed for this? Moreover, I do not understand what the youths are doing to make a difference until now. Are we still going to blame our previous generation for the future they have given us or are we going to make it different for the next generation?
The days of the previous generation are gone. Now the future is in the hands of the youth. I know some more movies like this in the Indian society can ignite that fire, in the people to make a difference. But how long we Nepalis have to wait for that one change in ourselves to make the difference? We copy Western fashion, life style and cultures. However, when it really comes to adapting their good ethics why are we the last people in the league? Are we scared? Or do we fall in the category of people that never did and will never do anything in life? This is a question everyone should ask themselves. I have made it a point to ask myself what new thing I have done today. And, even if I wouldn't have made a difference, I will be proud that I have at least given it a try. The part of my generation within me is awakening. How about you?
(P.S. This is my first article published in daily newspaper. It was year 2005 if I am not mistaken. Even when today I read it I still feel good that I don't write but when I write,I do it from my heart.)
You don't write? Why not? You're so good!